Meditation for removing the Anxiety

As previously explained in prior articles in this magazine, meditation is a state of concentrated attention on an external object, a though, consciousness itself, or on the very state of concentration. Some people call this practice contemplation. There are several ways in which to practice, and over time, some cultures have adopted it with the aspiration or objective of practicing it. In this case, we will choose eliminating or attenuating anxiety as our objective.
Anxiety is an emotion that frequently presents during different moments. Like all of our emotions, it is neither “bad” nor “good”, but is an adaptive response that accentuates perceptive ability in the presence of some need, be it physical (like hunger, for example, when our bodies lack some important element), or emotional (fear of not feeling sufficiently loves, recognized, etc.). When anxiety becomes chronic or pathological, however, and frequently puts the individual in situations of desperation, fear, anxiety, or imbalanced as a chronic or non-adaptive response, the anxiety then becomes out of control, and causes severe disorders if not tended to.
If we understand that on a certain level, emotions are our body’s chemical responses, and that thoughts pass through our heads from day to day and powerfully influence said reactions, it will then be easy to understand why meditation can ease or completely dissolve our anxiety symptoms.
1. SPACE: A lot of people think that in order to meditate you need to find a special, uninterrupted place, and put on certain music. I think this might be necessary at first, or is simply a question of taste. It seems to me, however, that this meditation can be done anywhere, be it in a park, at work, while you was dishes, even while you’re at the supermarket or a party. So, if you have the opportunity to be close to a natural landscape like a forest, the beach, a mountain, etc., this might help strengthen your meditation results. Being near nature undoubtedly fills us with harmonious energy.
2. FOCUSED THOUGHTS: One way of beginning your meditation practice for anxiety is to choose thoughts about yourself and life that make you feel peaceful and confident. Then, concentrate and visualize these thoughts as long as possible. For example: visualize yourself surrounded by love, friends, and people that love and support you. Visualize yourself with confidence, doing something you like or resolving what to you represents a problem. You must focus of these thoughts until you become emotionally absorbed into them, which means, until you finally begin to feel what you think.
3. DURATION: Try to maintain these thoughts as long as possible.
Along with this meditation you must begin to see life in a much fuller way. Anxiety is caused by a lack of confidence and fear, or a deep insecurity in yourself. This originates in the way you see life, and perceive yourself. A lot of meditations have a “glass ceiling” because of soon as you break through emotionally like this “everything turns uncertain and grey”. Focus isn’t enough; you must also make an effort to heighten your level of understanding in respect to how life works. Learn to believe in yourself more, get to know yourself more. You must read supportive literature for this, or use alternative therapies that can help you discover yourself. You can also supplement this meditation with the healthiest diet possible (avoid white sugar and its derivatives, etc.), which will help your body maintain a more stable and balance chemical interior.