Currently there are an endless amount of products on the market that are created for home and personal hygiene. Unfortunately a lot of these products aren’t very safe if they’re used in large quantities or for long periods of time, as they contain toxic agents. Sodium bicarbonate, however, is a good option ...Read More
Waste and toxin accumulation in the intestines can cause an individual to suffer from different diseases, like irritable colon syndrome or colitis, constipation or diarrhea, abdominal inflammation and pain, etc., which are annoying and affect largely a person’s daily life. That’s why it is becoming more important to know how to clean ...Read More
Vitiligo is caused by cells in the body’s tissue that lose their natural pigmentation, leaving several white marks on the skin. This condition affects the melanocyte cells present in the skin, which are responsible for giving color to the skin. Whenever these cells die, however, or are affected, they stop producing the ...Read More
Apitherapy is the use of products derived from bees for therapeutic effects. The products that can be used include honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom. There are a lot of ways to beneficially apply these products, from including them in a healthy diet, to treating illnesses like hay fever, ...Read More
Winter and cold can bring certain unpleasant skin changes. While some people only notice their cheeks get rosy with the cold, or dry hands and feet, other people could have more aggressive skin reactions in lower temperatures. The temperature could dry out their skin, creating an uncomfortable stretching effect. And when it’s really ...Read More
The kidneys are two organs located behind the abdomen, and their purpose is to eliminate toxins and residues from the blood stream, through the urine. This means that they “filter” the body. In order for your kidneys to be healthy, you need to exercise and stay hydrated, as well as eat a ...Read More
In spite of the fact that in the past, irritable colon was attributed to stress, today we cannot say that we actually know what causes Irritable Colon Syndrome. Stress could spark the symptoms, but it isn’t actually the cause in itself. Unfortunately, there is no cure. But you can control it, and ...Read More
Although snoring may seem fairly harmless, it could affect your rest, altering your sleep patterns along with your partner’s, who shares the room with you. There are lots of different things that could cause someone to snore, like relaxed tongue and throat muscles, a long palate, congestion or obstruction of the respiratory tracts, large ...Read More
Would you like to rejuvenate your facial skin? Does your face look tired, a few years older, in spite of using daily creams? You might not be using the right cream for your skin type, or you aren’t taking other health precautions, like exfoliation, or using sunscreen. But even your diet could ...Read More
The kidneys are in charge if filtering the blood, detoxifying the body by removing impurities that are circulating through the blood stream, and eliminating waste products through urine. Whenever there is some sort of disease in the kidneys, other functions in the body are affected, precisely because the kidneys are so important. ...Read More
For millennium, mud has been used to improve the way skin looks. This therapy, which is based on the usage of mud, has been around for quite some time and in a lot of cultures, it has been used for thousands of years to calm skin irritation as well as different types ...Read More
Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease, or an STD. It can be caused by the Herpes simplex type 1 virus, and type 2. The first type is also known medically as HSV-1, which is the same virus that causes herpes on the lips, face, etc. Type 2 herpes virus is contracted ...Read More
A lot of women want to have larger breasts, either to breast feed their children better, or to look good and to feel better about their bodies. The truth is, there’s nothing bad about having fairly smalls breasts, as this is not an indicator for health, or one’s ability to breastfeed future ...Read More
Eggs are a common source of protein in our diets, and they’re often used in several types of dishes. I bet you never thought they’d have so many beauty-making properties. The protein in eggs is beneficial for repairing tissues, but their benefits don’t stop there. They’re also a source of lutein, a ...Read More
Useful advice for controlling colitis. Ulcerative colitis often times can be one of those diseases that makes us feel impotent, yet with a few changes in your life style and your diet, you can control the symptoms and thereby avoid a crisis. Dietary advice for controlling colitis When talking about ulcerative colitis, ...Read More
Everyone has worried at some point about hair loss, especially after experiencing a few moments of unusual hair loss. This is what then makes us think about ways to prevent it. The good news is that if you start with enough time in advance, you can prevent hair loss, or prevent it ...Read More
Why perform a lymphatic facial drainage, and what are the benefits? The lymphatic system is responsible for grabbing macromolecules that have accumulated in tissues, to carry them to the venous system, and then on to excretion organs. This technique is considered to be one of the best ways of eliminating toxins from ...Read More
A captivating gaze always looks better when one’s eyelashes are thick and long. A lack of eyelashes could make you like tired and even weak. Eyelashes can also fall out, especially when your diet doesn’t provide the required nutrients, or simply from rubbing your eyes frequently. Natural solutions for thicker and longer ...Read More
Oily hair is the result of excessive production of a natural scalp secretion that helps keep hair healthy. Whenever you hair is oily at the end of the day, or after one or two days of not washing, you may have oily hair. This could be caused by heredity, hormone changes, stress, ...Read More
It’s pretty obvious when someone has oily skin, and it easily traps impurities and dirt from the environment. This tends to lead to abused skin. It is characterized by having excessive sebum secretions, which is an oil that the skin needs in order to stay healthy and moisturized. Acne, skin marks, and even ...Read More
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