Do you fall asleep immediately but wake up at 3 in the morning? Is it hard for you to go back to sleep at that time? This type of insomnia affects a lot of people, that get home from work so tired that they immediately fall asleep, but at 3 or 4 in ...Read More
Do you feel like someone is following you? Do you feel like someone is going to trick or betray you? Do you suspect that the people around you want to harm you? Paranoia is a feeling of mistrust or fear, outside of normal conditions. This feeling is felt both emotionally as well ...Read More
Relax. Eating quickly is bad for your health. Give yourself a special time to eat peacefully and enjoy it the way this girl does eating her watermelon. We all know that being in a hurry and the demands of modern times often times don’t allow us to eat slowly and to enjoy ...Read More
Nature has the most beautiful, nourishing and healthy way to sweeten our dishes, pastries and beverages. The medicinal properties of flower and plants also are great for fighting illnesses and nourishing the body without taking away from our enjoyment of the sweetness of life. If you’re looking for a natural and health ...Read More
The consecuences of not sleeping well are very serious. What does it mean to sleep well? To experts, it’s placid dreaming for 6 to 8 hours, for adults. You should not be interrupted during this time, or abruptly awoken. Sleeping well means not having nightmares, snoring, or even worse, suffering from apnea. ...Read More
To feel like you can’t breath or that you’re choking can feel very terrifying for the person going through it. However, don’t get worked up. This is often times a symptom of anxiety, which can be cured if you learn to know your body better and to focus on things in a ...Read More
There is currently a therapy that could help you achieve maximum relaxation, one in which your senses seem to turn off, and the brain stops receiving signals. That’s how it sounds according to the people that promote it, they say it’s like going back to the maternal womb where there is not ...Read More
Stress currently affects 70% of the world’s population. Did you know that there are foods that can increase the sense of anxiety and nerves that overtake you? It’s not just work… It’s not just work related tasks, your kids’s mischief, or household bills that increase this modern society disease, but what you ...Read More
To finish this introduction to Bach’s flower remedies, these last 9 are part of this system of 38 flower remedies. Last Bach Flower Remedies 1. Walnut There are moments in life when one must make transcendental decisions that could represent an important personal evolution. That’s when individuals, on their negative side, realize ...Read More
Are you completely lost in finding a bit a peace? Do you want to calm your nerves naturally? Being nervous is a not at all pleasant mood to be in. It keeps people distracted, anxious, restless, impatient, and creates a lack of concentration, which causes little behaviors to grow and become harmful habits, ...Read More
Anxiety, like all other emotions, is nothing that is “good or bad”, but rather a way of reacting to a certain way of seeing of understanding life. If you were to take advantage of this message, it could be a great messenger for you to understand things that you didn’t understand about ...Read More
Red moles are small marks the size of a pinhead and are a bright scarlet color. They are more common in men than women, and could appear suddenly or you could have had them on your skin from birth. Generally they appear on the back of the neck and the thorax, and ...Read More
In Chinese Medicine, the lungs are closely related to the large intestine (a Yang organ). Lungs are considered to be a Yin organ, organs that are attributed a greater propensity to being weak because they are more exposed to external pathogens. In this case, the lungs are one of the most susceptible ...Read More
The kidneys are some of the most interesting organs in Traditional Chinese Medicine. These two bean or fetus shaped organs, located on each side of the spinal column (in the lumbar area), have very diverse and fundamental functions in the body, as they filter substances. Oriental medicine knows that the kidneys’ primary ...Read More
Don’t fool yourself into believing that staying quiet and angry because people make fun of you or because you feel insecure about how you talk. If you stutter, or your child frequently odes, consider that this condition has a solution if you just look at certain important points. There is no reason ...Read More
Stress, anxiety, fear, and other similar emotions are more and more frequent in children and youth. They are finding themselves more and more confronted with information and problems that never existed before. The use of internet, movies, television, combined with parents that are out of the house for long times or scarcely ...Read More
What is the meaning of the Body Language? Have you ever seen how you walk? How is your posture when you’re standing? What sort of gestures does your face frequently make? Do you wrinkle or forehead, eyes, or nose frequently? Do you hunch? Do you walk practically on your tippy-toes? Do you ...Read More
As previously explained in prior articles in this magazine, meditation is a state of concentrated attention on an external object, a though, consciousness itself, or on the very state of concentration. Some people call this practice contemplation. There are several ways in which to practice, and over time, some cultures have adopted ...Read More
Arterial hypertension or high blood pressure is a bodily condition in which the smaller blood vessels become narrower, or reduce their capacity. This could also be when arteries generally lose their elasticity, which requires the heart to pump harder, so that all the organs of the body can be properly and sufficiently ...Read More
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