Who do I give my heart to? We never truly decide to fall in love. Rather, it just happens. It feels great being in love and knowing that anything is possible, feeling your heart open. Sometimes it can be conflicting though, especially when you fall in love with someone who doesn’t love ...Read More
Did you know that children that grow up surrounded by domestic animals and that interact with them benefit greatly in cognitive, socioeconomic and physical development? There are four basic reasons that living with cats and dogs is beneficial to children’s health. For example, a child that has a pet at home has ...Read More
Children that are overweight is becoming increasingly more common. Obesity currently affects more than 10% of the world’s population, regardless of age, sex, socioeconomic status, or education. It is also present in both industrialized countries, or developed countries, as well as poor countries. This is affecting children at an alarming rate. If ...Read More
Are you confused about your sexual identity? Don’t worry any more. Sexual preferences are just as natural as any other preference. Homosexuality is the term that is used to describe individuals that feel attracted to the same sex, while bisexuality is a way of defining individuals that feel attracted to both the ...Read More
This syndrome is a genetic condition whereby the X chromosome suffers from certain conditions or modifications when the fetus is developing in the mother’s womb. Consequently, this creates a mental disability that this child will inherit. Causes of Fragile X Chromosome (Martin Bell Syndrome) When a child’s X chromosome changes or damages a gene ...Read More
I was surprised to learn that there have been studies from 2011 that directly related practicing yoga with fertility and the ability to finally become pregnant. This means that this discipline not only promote energetic balance in the body, releases stress and cultivates a healthy mind, but it can also help you conceive. ...Read More
It’s normal for couples to experience problems. We are going to give you a list of advice for when you hear the phrases: “I don’t have any time”, “I have to study”, “It would be better if we saw each other another day”… At first you might feel a little despair when ...Read More
Facing divorce is never easy, and even less so if children are involved. This long and difficult process almost always creates painful consequences for children on an emotional level, like poor school performance, low self-esteem, and rebellion. Children cannot understand that the love between their parents is over, they cannot distinguish how ...Read More
ADHD refers to an increase in all those bodily movements that were once voluntary, but that have become involuntary, like tics. This is caused by damage to the movement regulator center (the extrapyramidal system or basal centers), causing an individual to lose voluntary control of bodily movements. Their bodies move with quick movements ...Read More
Anyone could become victim to choking, unable to catch your breath, and unfortunately, this could lead to death. That’s why we need to be prepared so we know how to react and help immediately if this happens to a family member, a friend, or even a stranger that could be in this ...Read More
Hello once again! It’s a pleasure for me to be able to say hi once again, and to bring you yet another article on this topic. Today’s article is inspired by one of our reader’s questions, and it seems pretty necessary that we give you more information regarding it. Sensual attraction Her ...Read More
Relax. Eating quickly is bad for your health. Give yourself a special time to eat peacefully and enjoy it the way this girl does eating her watermelon. We all know that being in a hurry and the demands of modern times often times don’t allow us to eat slowly and to enjoy ...Read More
“He treats me bad, but I love him”, “He doesn’t listen to me anymore, but I still want to be with him”, “She cheated on me, but I need her”…”He did some not-nice things to me, but I miss him”…”Why do I want to be with someone that doesn’t love me?” Why ...Read More
It’s healing to take a nap, both for adults and children. Naps are very good for health. If you have children between the ages of two to five years, let then sleep during the afternoon. Not only will they recuperate energy while sleeping, but their bodies will also produce a growth hormone ...Read More
In this day and age, there are more divorces and separations than ever before. It’s common to see single fathers or mothers raising their children. It isn’t necessary to have a couple in order to raise a child well, but a lot of times one can feel pressure, loneliness, desperation and even ...Read More
You lie to them out of fear that they’ll suffer, you give them what they want so they don’t get frustrated, you tell them things you don’t really feel so they feel better, you give them what they want rather than what they need. Why do you like to over-protect them? There ...Read More
We’ve all gotten pinworms at least once before, especially during school age or in kindergarten. Children are more susceptible to getting them because they come into more contact with contaminated areas, like the floor, day care centers, dirt, and they don’t always immediately wash their hands. They can then use those same ...Read More
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