Hello everyone! Stress is a normal reaction our body has to challenging situations like when we are in danger or when we are doing a new activity. But if it takes control over us it can negatively affect our health. Because of this it is important to be aware of the signs ...Read More
Everyone has worried at some point about hair loss, especially after experiencing a few moments of unusual hair loss. This is what then makes us think about ways to prevent it. The good news is that if you start with enough time in advance, you can prevent hair loss, or prevent it ...Read More
If you have gastritis or colitis, and your body is also carrying a bit of extra weight, there’s nothing better for you than this diet. There are probably certain foods that, even though they are wonderful for weight loss, aren’t appropriate if you suffer from gastritis. But there are also foods that ...Read More
Does some area in your body itch for no apparent reason? Are you constantly scratching outbreaks on your skin? Does your skin frequently turn pink and itchy? Whenever your skin itches, this could be a sign from several things. Itching isn’t actually an illness, but rather a symptom that could leave a ...Read More
Tachycardia is when the heart beats faster than normal. Generally the heart beats between 60 and 100 times per minute while resting, and increases in frequency with physical activity, exercise, or intense emotions, like fear, desperation, anger, etc. When the heart is resting, however, and heart rate increases for no apparent reason, ...Read More
Breathing techniques are the most commonly used methods for releasing tension, relaxing the body, helping the body to connect to the present moment, and for forgetting worries. It helps as a healing technique in some bioenergetic practices. The most involved muscles in breathing are located in the abdominal cavity, the small muscles ...Read More
Do you know someone that can only see the mistakes? Do you feel like someone (or yourself) is constantly criticizing? Do you feel peaceless and incapable of enjoying something because you’re always “lacking” something? Do you worry excessively about things that don’t go your way? Well….you need to know what it means ...Read More
No matter how hard you try, are you still unable to find a remedy for your migraine? You might need to just stop thinking for a while and relax, while reading about what causes them. Migraines a a type of acute headache with symptoms like sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, ...Read More
In this day and age, there are more divorces and separations than ever before. It’s common to see single fathers or mothers raising their children. It isn’t necessary to have a couple in order to raise a child well, but a lot of times one can feel pressure, loneliness, desperation and even ...Read More
Sleeping well not only improves your moods and helps you to have a great day, but it also helps keep you healthy and beautiful. Unfortunately the majority of people sleep less than the recommended 8 hours a day, which does not provide healthy and restorative rest. Below we are going to list ...Read More
With this technique, with this wonderfull relaxation exercise, you will learn to renew yourself with a break when facing stress. You will learn to relax and to improve your concentration. Loosen up and relax all the muscles in your body, feel them become extremely light, while at the same time associating this sensation ...Read More
Cranial massage is performed to “awaken” the head and all the body’s energies. It is an authentic piece of heaven and makes one feel incredibly well. Egyptians, Greeks and Romans have all adopted its techniques. The body loves massages and the mind also benefits from them as well. Do you know how ...Read More
To feel like you can’t breath or that you’re choking can feel very terrifying for the person going through it. However, don’t get worked up. This is often times a symptom of anxiety, which can be cured if you learn to know your body better and to focus on things in a ...Read More
Some people may not be fully educated regarding yawning, which is frequently thought to be caused as a sign of annoyance or boredom, although for others, it’s simply a sign of fatigue. Physical tiredness could be caused by work overload, several hours in front of the computer, lack of oxygenation or a ...Read More
There is currently a therapy that could help you achieve maximum relaxation, one in which your senses seem to turn off, and the brain stops receiving signals. That’s how it sounds according to the people that promote it, they say it’s like going back to the maternal womb where there is not ...Read More
Aromatherapy is considered to be a gentle methodology, delicate and natural, capable of balancing certain emotional, physical and spiritual states. These different plant parts are used to make oil extractions, which offer not only a rich a fresh aroma, but they can also be used for certain condition, some of which could ...Read More
Stress currently affects 70% of the world’s population. Did you know that there are foods that can increase the sense of anxiety and nerves that overtake you? It’s not just work… It’s not just work related tasks, your kids’s mischief, or household bills that increase this modern society disease, but what you ...Read More
Why do I have gastritis? The brain and the stomach are closely connected by the vagus nerve. Whenever an individual is worried, the stomach increases the production of gastric juices. This is actually proven. Worry is one of the primary causes of problems like gastritis, colitis and stomach ulcers. When worry becomes ...Read More
If you thought that all stress brought was a headache or some other emotional or psychological condition, we’re here to tell you that that’s not all. You should know that stress can also wreak havoc on your skin, that could cause even more stress. According to dermatologist and psychiatrist Amy Wechsler of ...Read More
In a Bad Mood? Are things not turning out how you’d like? Is everyone incompetent and inconsiderate? Is it just incredible how they can do those things? Every one has fallen victim before to bad moods: we don’t want to know anything, everything irritates and infuriates us, we feel that no one ...Read More
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