How to avoid Blushing or Turning Red

When turning red (blushing) happens a lot and without any apparent cause, it can be quite annoying, uncomfortable, and even embarrassing for whoever it happens to. Blushing is natural when we feel a bit ashamed or when we’re excited, irritated, or when we feel intimidated by something. Blood flows to our face more forcefully, turning it red. However, when someone blushes over anything, and their face gets red just by speaking or doing something, this spontaneous and natural reaction becomes a pathology. Even though this condition is in no way “serious”, it is disconcerting and can even bring suffering to a lot of people, because even though you may not believe it, blushing for any reason is something we barely talk about, but that curiously, a lot of people suffer from. These people suffer in silence, and a lot of them don’t share about what they consider to be a “defect”, not even with their closest friends or family. They just reserve themselves and try to look the other way when they feel their face blushing, because it grabs attention when they say something, or when speaking about certain subjects, or just when someone looks or says something to them. Blushing for no apparent reason is, of course, not really a condition. But it can definitely cause results that aren’t positive at all, in both personality and character, like:
- It can create an insecure, passive, and non-participatory character, even though they don’t want it to.
- Causes desperation and anger.
- They fall into stressful situations by want to control their circulation, or by not wanting to be seen.
What provokes this reaction of turning red?
As said before, this is not really a serious question that affects health, but it does have not all together positive repercussions on character and a person’s security. We haven’t begun to talk about this topic openly until now, because before, it didn’t really seem to grab anyone’s attention, and wasn’t considered to be something “serious”.
Blushing can be caused by a lot of things, but one of its primary causes is undoubtedly the person’s emotional state. Someone who frequently blushes, and over practically anything, could tend to have various emotional attitudes, like these mentioned below:
- The person could feel a certain sense of fear of not being, or fulfilling other’s expectations, or those of society. When they feel like they don’t meet what is expected of them, they blush. It should also be said that these expectations aren’t always “real”, a lot of times they perceive that someone expects “a lot” of us, although this isn’t completely true.
- These people could take things, comments and “looks”, very personally, while also apply their own interpretation to them, in which they are frequently the “losers”. This means, they feel in some way criticized, rejected, or devalued, even though this may not be specifically the case. This is something that could happen on an unconscious level, and so quickly, that they don’t even think it. It isn’t that the person is specifically thinking “I’m being criticized”, but it could unleash tied down feelings that are stored away, or very deep. Then, the person blushes without being conscious of what it producing this reaction.
- Those that frequently blush do not like to call attention, or be the center of attention, which could be associated with an insecurity problem that hasn’t been completely contacted yet. It could be that the insecurity that they feel, and that is “unleashed” by being “seen”, comes from the fear of being found “bad”. Some aspect of their personality is rejecting themselves, some weakness. They fear “being seen” as they really are.
- It is likely that these people have a high sense of perfectionism in regards to their image, to how they should be, and to what they should do. They might let themselves be influenced by very stereotypical structures, deep down they could feel too much fear of not being what others want them to be. They are afraid of being made fun of, or going unnoticed, and this could happen on very deep levels in their mind.
- This pathology could sometimes happen in people that seem secure and proud of themselves. However, they need to look over these aspects very closely, because it could be that they feel unrecognized, or in some way, denied. This could be triggered when some situations make them aware of this emotional stance, so the brain sends the message, and this reaction takes place in the body.
What is the biological cause of blushing?
Currently, there exists a book called “When Blushing Hurts”, by author Dr. Enrique Jadresic, psychiatrist, who suffered from thi condition. He affirms that pathological blushing is a traumatic experience for those that have it, and it had been “…something ignored by medicine, and was left unspoken. It is a silent suffering”. “I know what it is to suffer from blushing about everything. In the university, I didn’t dare ask questions in class, and for a long time I didn’t want to go to public places, because I would run into students or patients, something that automatically made me blush. It’s not that I was ashamed, but quite the opposite: blushing, something completely uncontrollable, and very unpleasant, especially when you’re an authority figure, it made me ashamed”, the doctor confessed.
The doctor recommends an operation for very severe cases of this pathology, and when other treatments or strategies have failed, like medications or behavioral therapies. The operation, while it doesn’t last more than an hour, can have a few complications or side effects, like loss of eyelashes, among other things. In summary, the doctor concludes that this is a primarily biological pathology, with psychological consequences.
On the other hand, energetic or natural medicine believes just the opposite: that this is a psychological or emotional condition, with biological consequences. I definitely recommend “the other path”, of taking advantage of this pathology to strengthen yourself, and to know and discover yourself more and more.
By being an emotional problem, more or less, due to hypersensitivity, it is definitely recommended to follow a highly conscious process, that respects the situation, and does not deny or reject the condition, as this would only make the problem work. This is about making a detailed observation, without judging, of what you feel when you blush. Self observation is undoubtedly a wonderful tool for emotional introspection and for emotions that are probably not completely conscious. It’s like slowly getting to know the origin of the situation. Of course, self observation has its own technique, but there are a lot of energetic therapies that can guide a person in the beginning, and help them contact the causes that are producing this hypersensitivity.
Without a doubt, this path is much more valuable to those that enjoy and like personal growth. Cutting something or medicating it will not resolve the central problem. It might help resolve the symptoms, but it does not care for the root of the cause. So, that person may no longer turn red if they have the operation, or take medications, but they would have lost the nourishing step of getting to know themselves, which could not only eradicate this pathology, but could also help strengthen their character in all senses, as well as awaken their extraordinary mind.
Even though all of these alternative work, and to tell the truth, none of them are “good or bad”, we must point out that the mind is always looking for the easiest and most practical paths to solving something. That’s why a lot of the times we grow despaired, and we want things to be solved quickly and “now”! However, you must give yourself the opportunity to experience new roads, in order to solve things in a new way. Keep in mind that if you want new and more magnificent results, you have to starting by changing the formulas with which you begin to sole a situation.
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I have had this and I have advised many people who come to my website about it. This is a very interesting article which I haven’t actually heard some of the Technics in it to help stop blushing. I believe that hypnosis should be the first choice as it is less expensive than a lot of alternatives and it also has no side effects like drugs or the surgery.
I totally agree Sam. You’re so right. A lot of people DO suffer from this…and there’s just not that much information out about great alternatives. Hypnosis is a non-invasive therapy that addresses the issues from the ROOT, rather than masking it with pharmaceuticals. Good for you for addressing this in your blog!!!