Currently there are an endless amount of products on the market that are created for home and personal hygiene. Unfortunately a lot of these products aren’t very safe if they’re used in large quantities or for long periods of time, as they contain toxic agents. Sodium bicarbonate, however, is a good option ...Read More
Waste and toxin accumulation in the intestines can cause an individual to suffer from different diseases, like irritable colon syndrome or colitis, constipation or diarrhea, abdominal inflammation and pain, etc., which are annoying and affect largely a person’s daily life. That’s why it is becoming more important to know how to clean ...Read More
Apitherapy is the use of products derived from bees for therapeutic effects. The products that can be used include honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom. There are a lot of ways to beneficially apply these products, from including them in a healthy diet, to treating illnesses like hay fever, ...Read More
The kidneys are two organs located behind the abdomen, and their purpose is to eliminate toxins and residues from the blood stream, through the urine. This means that they “filter” the body. In order for your kidneys to be healthy, you need to exercise and stay hydrated, as well as eat a ...Read More
In spite of the fact that in the past, irritable colon was attributed to stress, today we cannot say that we actually know what causes Irritable Colon Syndrome. Stress could spark the symptoms, but it isn’t actually the cause in itself. Unfortunately, there is no cure. But you can control it, and ...Read More
Do you want to feel good no matter what happens? Our bodies are made up of approximately 72,000,000,000 cells. They have different functions: some contract and expand, and form muscles. Others transport oxygen and make up part of the blood. Some form minerals and make up bones, and some transmit electricity, parts ...Read More
The kidneys are in charge if filtering the blood, detoxifying the body by removing impurities that are circulating through the blood stream, and eliminating waste products through urine. Whenever there is some sort of disease in the kidneys, other functions in the body are affected, precisely because the kidneys are so important. ...Read More
A lot of people around the world habitually drink coffee almost daily, and we don’t pay that much attention to it…but what is it we are truly drinking? Coffee just might be the most highly used medicinal plant around the world. In fact, preparing it as an infusion (the plant or powder, ...Read More
People have been thinking about gluten-free diets for a long time, especially since there are so many artists and famous people that follow it. There’s also been a lot of talk about the pros and cons with this diet, so today I’m going to limit myself to simply analyzing this from the ...Read More
Prediabetes is a condition whereby glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered diabetes. An estimated one out of three people with prediabetes will develop type 2 diabetes, which makes this an important risk factor that should be treated in order to be reversed or controlled. If ...Read More
Useful advice for controlling colitis. Ulcerative colitis often times can be one of those diseases that makes us feel impotent, yet with a few changes in your life style and your diet, you can control the symptoms and thereby avoid a crisis. Dietary advice for controlling colitis When talking about ulcerative colitis, ...Read More
It makes no difference if you had a C-section, a normal birth, or if you’re breast feeding your baby. With this specific diet with postpartum foods, you will be able to take advantage of the foods you need right now to get back to your natural state, healthy weight, and to having ...Read More
Constipation is a common disorder in today’s society. An estimated one in three people have difficulty or infrequency in their bowel movements. Generally a few dietary changes and healthy, new habits can end this uncomfortable situation, which can make anyone irritable. Constipation, a daily discomfort A lot of modern problems are related ...Read More
If you have gastritis or colitis, and your body is also carrying a bit of extra weight, there’s nothing better for you than this diet. There are probably certain foods that, even though they are wonderful for weight loss, aren’t appropriate if you suffer from gastritis. But there are also foods that ...Read More
Myomas are formations in the wall of the uterus, and are also known as fibroids. They are generally considered to be benign tumors, and they can be small in size (less than one centimeter) or larger. They can even reach the size of an orange or even a cantaloupe. Myomas are caused ...Read More
Grapes have several beneficial properties. They are small and juicy, they have a deliciously distinct flavor, and they are so very healthy for life. The nutritional properties contained in grapes make them highly recommendable for including in your diet, they are rich in vitamin C and B-complex vitamins as well. This fruit ...Read More
Avocados are one of the most rewarding fruits, with some of the most healing properties around. Several of its virtues make it the perfect food, both for nourishing the body as well as for helping it to heal from certain diseases like diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart, skin and intestinal problems, etc., as ...Read More
Estrogen is one of the most important feminine hormones that affects life in general. It is responsible for women’s sexual characteristics, like the development of breasts and the menstrual cycle, and it is the hormone that determines when adolescence begins, by increasing in a female’s eggs. Estrogen production Estrogen production in the ...Read More
Anytime you start a weight loss diet plan, or start an exercise routine, or any other strategy for reducing the amount of food you consume each day so as to lose weight, a lot of people struggle with their appetite. Sometimes it makes it seem like a colossal undertaking. But choosing the ...Read More
Did you know that in addition to fried food, that foods like grains, cookies, toast, and even coffee can accelerate the aging process if you cook them at high temperature, or if you reheat them. What’s worse, they could even be a cause to serious conditions like cancer, even though they may ...Read More
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