Emotional Intelligence - The Joy of Wellness

When my Body Hurts… my Soul Hurts

Do you want to feel good no matter what happens? Our bodies are made up of approximately 72,000,000,000 cells. They have different functions: some contract and expand, and form muscles. Others transport oxygen and make up part of the blood. Some form minerals and make up bones, and some transmit electricity, parts ...Read More

Being Overweight is More than Just Eating and Running

The recently published article “You Thought Those Extra Pounds Came Simply From Eating…” focuses on the psychosomatic causes of being overweight; here I would like to talk about a real-life clinical case that demonstrates this focus. Paula’s weight loss story (*) (Real clinical case) Paula is 41 years old, born in Venezuela, ...Read More

You thought those Extra Pounds came simply from Eating…

There’s no doubt about it: your weight is determined by the balance between what you eat and what you expend. This depends on your metabolism and endocrine/hormonal system. Your metabolism is how your body uses foods that you ate. This means that it uses, stores, and eliminates the energy in the foods ...Read More

The Stomach and Your Emotions

Did you know that an emotional problem could affect your digestion? This happens because the digestive system and the brain are connected. This connection has become more evident as doctors have started to notice that medication used to treat anxiety, insomnia and stress also exhibit positive effects on digestion. The brain controls ...Read More

Advice and Diet for Myoma Post-Operation

Myomas are formations in the wall of the uterus, and are also known as fibroids. They are generally considered to be benign tumors, and they can be small in size (less than one centimeter) or larger. They can even reach the size of an orange or even a cantaloupe. Myomas are caused ...Read More

I like my boss, my trainer, my teacher, my doctor, an artist…

Do you like your professor? Are you attracted to your dentist? Do you dream about being close to your favorite artist? It’s easy to become smitten with these people. And do you know why? Because admiration is a fundamental part of the attraction and starting point of love. People that teach us ...Read More

Relax and Sleep Better with Yoga

If you have problems getting to sleep, if you want to sleep better, there’s a god chance that yoga will be a good alternative for you. Yoga is currently more valued because it is a discipline that helps balance the body and mind, fight unhealthy stress and its effects. But its benefits ...Read More

I’m Attracted to Two People…What should I do?

Who do I give my heart to? We never truly decide to fall in love. Rather, it just happens. It feels great being in love and knowing that anything is possible, feeling your heart open. Sometimes it can be conflicting though, especially when you fall in love with someone who doesn’t love ...Read More

Fatigue caused by no apparent reason: Causes and Natural Treatment

Do you constantly feel tired? Are you unsure as to why you feel so lethargic? Do you feel like napping and resting every few hours? Fatigue is natural to a certain extent; it’s the body’s way of asking for rest and healing. Natural fatigue can frequently be felt at the end ...Read More

Vacations: Essential for Emotional Balance

With August coming up vacations are becoming a topic of conversation for everyone because the majority of companies give vacations during this month. The problem is that after a year of hard work, our expectations for liberating stress are so high and difficult to meet in such a short amount of time ...Read More

Four Reasons to have a Pet at Home

Did you know that children that grow up surrounded by domestic animals and that interact with them benefit greatly in cognitive, socioeconomic and physical development? There are four basic reasons that living with cats and dogs is beneficial to children’s health. For example, a child that has a pet at home has ...Read More

Tachycardia with other symptoms (chest pain, back pain, etc.)

Tachycardia is when the heart beats faster than normal. Generally the heart beats between 60 and 100 times per minute while resting, and increases in frequency with physical activity, exercise, or intense emotions, like fear, desperation, anger, etc. When the heart is resting, however, and heart rate increases for no apparent reason, ...Read More

Restless Sleep After 3 AM

Do you fall asleep immediately but wake up at 3 in the morning? Is it hard for you to go back to sleep at that time? This type of insomnia affects a lot of people, that get home from work so tired that they immediately fall asleep, but at 3 or 4 in ...Read More

Cartilage: how to regain movement and prevent deterioration

Do your knees hurt? Does your leg bother you when you walk? Is it hard to move some area of your body? This could be related to a cartilage condition, which make fluid movement possible, providing flexibility and a shock absorber. Cartilage is a firm, but flexible tissue that covers or protects ...Read More

Homosexuality, Bisexuality, and Adolescent’s Sexual Preferences

Are you confused about your sexual identity? Don’t worry any more. Sexual preferences are just as natural as any other preference. Homosexuality is the term that is used to describe individuals that feel attracted to the same sex, while bisexuality is a way of defining individuals that feel attracted to both the ...Read More

Fragile X Syndrome (Martin Bell Syndrome)

This syndrome is a genetic condition whereby the X chromosome suffers from certain conditions or modifications when the fetus is developing in the mother’s womb. Consequently, this creates a mental disability that this child will inherit. Causes of Fragile X Chromosome (Martin Bell Syndrome) When a child’s X chromosome changes or damages a gene ...Read More

Tell me what you smell like, and I’ll tell you your personality: Perfumes and Essences for your personality

If love is born at first sight, the smell is what invites people to get closer. The perfumes and essences you use speak about who you are. Your perfume could invite others to get closer, especially when you know how to use essences and perfume, and the characteristics and sensations that certain ...Read More

Masculine Beauty and Charisma: 11 tips to highlight your attractiveness

Masculine beauty tips. An attractive man walking down the street is often times the object of stares. It’s not only about the way they dress, how cute their nose is or the color of their eyes, but it’s also about their charisma too, the way they hold themselves, how they walk and ...Read More

Yoga and its Powers of Conception

I was surprised to learn that there have been studies from 2011 that directly related practicing yoga with fertility and the ability to finally become pregnant. This means that this discipline not only promote energetic balance in the body, releases stress and cultivates a healthy mind, but it can also help you conceive. ...Read More

12 Tips for Rejuvenating through Dance (Intuitive Dance to cure the heart)

If food and a good attitude work wonders on beauty and health, dance is another secret ingredients that make a lot of people healthy and beautiful. Dancing not only helps release bodily tension, but dancing intuitively and letting yourself be carried away by the music can release repressed emotions, creating a serious ...Read More

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