Sugar can be just as harmful as Alcohol

Do you like sugary foods? Do you love pastries, or even worse, do you not drink water until it has at least a tablespoon of sugar in it? On a worldwide scale, this element is widely enjoyed by dinner guests, and in the last 50 years, sugar consumption has tripled.
And yet, it has already been proven that it does not provide any nutrients that make it good for health. Just the opposite, some specialists compare it to alcohol, because consuming high levels of sugar can damage the liver, not to mention the risk of becoming obese, affecting the skin, the immune system, and blood pressure.
Sugar is a misleading nutrient
The process of turning sugar cane into refined sugar removes almost all of its nutritional value. I was surprised to read this in a document written by Doctor Carolyn Dean, director of the Nutritional Magnesium Association and author of 27 books.
According to this specialist, the process of refining sugar removes 93% of the chromium, 89% of the manganese, 98% of the cobalt, 83% of the copper, 98% of the zinc and 98% of the magnesium. We consume whatever is left over.
Fructose is not health
The worse part is that almost every single product in the supermarket contains considerable amounts of fructose, which is a sugar almost equal to that of refined sugar. According to this Doctor, the fructose present in fruits is obviously different from that which is added to commercial foods, which is just as harmful as white sugar. One needs to be watchful because large companies generally change the names of the sugar present in their products, for other synonyms.
For example, there’s anything that ends in -ose: maltose, sacrose, glucose, and the king of them all, fructose. But there is an endless list of more terms, some 100, which include the following ones that are most famous: caramel coloring, caramel sugar, concentrated fruit juice, corn sweetener, corn syrup, date sugar, dextrine, dextrose, diglycerides, disaccharides, D-tagatose, evaporated cane juice, fluoride crystals, fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS), and others.
Measure your consumption of Sugar
So how can you even come to terms with this avalanche of sugars? Well, if you can’t calculate the amount of sugar in store-bought food, or anything you buy in the streets, then measure your sugar by what you can measure, like a glass of water, or homemade desserts.
Try not to ingest more than two or three teaspoons of sugar a day. It’s best not to consume any. That is the only way you’ll be able to stay under the 70 pounds of sugar a year, or `20 teaspoons a day, which is indicated as the minimum amount that can cause this chronic disease.
A lot of people believe that sugar is harmless, because they frequently consume it in heightened levels, and they don’t notice any health consequences. However, according to Abraham Hoffer, a doctor in British Columbia that has studied the effects of sugar for more than 40 years indicated that recently, in the last 15 or 20 years, constant consumption of refined sugar and junk food (containing sugar), individuals can develop chronic diseases like diabetes. This happens when the 20 teaspoons daily is surpassed.
Having said that, we are going to list off and take a look at all the negative effects that white sugar has:
- In children, it causes irritability, hyperactivity and lack of concentration.
- Destroys mineral balance within the body, interferes in the absorption of magnesium and calcium.
- It could cause heartburn, indigestion and even ulcertaive colitis.
- Cavities, gingivitis.
- Premature aging.
- Obesity.
- Could cause allergies and asthma.
- Could affect anything from the liver, to the kidneys or gallbladder, appendix, pancreas, and intestinal movement.
- It could intoxicate the body just like alcohol.
- It could unleash high cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
How to repalce it
Refined sugar can be replaced with a very natural and beneficial product, like stevia, which is an herbal sweetener and is very safe. Diabetes patients can even use it, as it actually reduces blood sugar levels by regulating pancreatic function. It also has antimicrobial properties which help the body fight off colds and the flu.