Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones

The kidneys are in charge if filtering the blood, detoxifying the body by removing impurities that are circulating through the blood stream, and eliminating waste products through urine.
Whenever there is some sort of disease in the kidneys, other functions in the body are affected, precisely because the kidneys are so important. Kidney stones constitute a kidney disease that affects millions of people around the world, and even though this isn’t potentially lethal (like kidney failure), it is a serious condition. It causes intense pain and often times ends in surgery.
Types of kidney stones
Kidney stones are not always made up of the same substances, and are caused by accumulated substances that form crystals.
- Calcium stones: these are the most common and are frequently made primarily of calcium. There are also other substances involved, however, to a lesser extent.
- Oxalate stones: This is another common substance, present in certain foods. Disorders in the small intestine lead to the development of this type of stones.
There are different things that cause stones, but generally poor fluid digestion is the primary cause.
Natural remedies for kidney stones
There are different plants and even foods that help expel stones. They can also prevent stones from forming and even help fight the pain.
Lemon: this is a good remedy for treating the pain associated with kidney stones. We recommend combining the juice from one lemon with 3 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, in one glass of water. Drink it immediately. This remedy will help lessen the pain and can promote natural healing.
Dandelion: The root can help tone the kidneys and stimulate cleansing. We advise drinking two to three cups of dandelion infusion made from dandelion root, or 500 mg a day to fight the pain, and promote the expulsion of the crystals.
Horsetail: This plant has a diuretic effect which can be a remedy against common kidney stones. To get rid of the symptoms, we recommend drinking 3 to 4 cups of horsetail infusion, or two grams a day, to benefits from this.
Uva Ursi or Gayuba: This is frequently used to treat urinary tract infection. Uva Ursi an also help tone the kidneys, and thereby promote kidney cleanliness. To achieve these benefits, we recommend a dosage of 500 mg at least twice a day.
Beans: Interestingly enough, beans in fact produce a similar effect on the kidneys. It has been used for years for calming the pain associated with kidney stones. In order to reap these benefits, cook the beans with water, then strain and drink the water. This is said to be an effect remedy for the pain.
Magnesium: Magnesium moves calcium, which when consumed (as a supplement or via food) can prevent kidney stones from forming. It is also said to help reduce the amount of kidney stones already in the kidneys, thereby fighting the condition and its symptoms.
Water: Appropriate daily water consumption could prevent the formation of kidney stones. So it is important to make sure that you are consuming enough liquids every day. 6 to 8 glasses are recommended a day, although you could need more if you exercise or live in hot weather.
Basil: Not only is it useful in the kitchen, it also tones the kidneys and can be eaten all day. Frequently eating basil is believed to promote kidney stone expulsion via the urine.
Complex-B vitamins: Especially vitamin B6, or pyridoxine can help prevent the development of kidney stones for individuals that suffer from hereditary disease known as type 1 hyperoxaluria. Combining this vitamin with magnesium will produce even better results, although there is no evidence that supports that this helps prevent kidney stones with other conditions outside of this disease.
Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy: This is a procedure that is used to treat kidney stones. Technically ,the stones are pulverized by an external force, and the resulting fragments are often times eliminated via the urine with no problems. This procedure is non-invasive.
Very important
Regardless of the fact that natural remedies have been traditionally used to prevent and treat some types of kidney stones, this does not substitute a medical consultation. We recommend seeing a professional regarding the use of these alternatives if you have been diagnosed with kidney stones.