Spider Veins (Varicose Veins) on the Face

Spider veins that show up on the face (telangiectasias) are frequently confused as varicose veins, but they aren’t exactly the same thing. Varicose veins are weakened veins that turn a bluish color due to blood congestion. They generally appear on the legs and are primarily due to a blood circulation disorder. Varicose veins will often times swell and cause pain, whereas spider veins do not.
Spider veins (which are very weak varicose veins) on the face are small, broken capillaries that turn blue or violet on the skin. They are tiny and thin, and do not cause any pain. They generally appear in the cheeks or nose, or in other areas of the face. The truth is, they don’t pose any sort of health problem, but are rather an aesthetic problem, but they just might represent a symptoms of other bodily disorders.
The appearance of spider veins could be due to different causes, like:
- Excessive blood pressure in the veins or arteries.
- Fragile or poorly nourished veins. Spider veins are frequently linked to large veins, which is why you first must treat those veins in order to slowly correct the telangiectasias.
- A poor diet, high in starches, harmful fats, and refined sugars and flour, as well as junk food, only serve to severely malnourish the veins, making them more fragile and easily ruptured.
- A hit or a strong pull to the face that causes fragile or poorly nourished veins to break.
- Heredity
- High blood pressure (hypertension)
- Sedentary lifestyle habits, with little or no physical activity.
- Pregnancy, due to changes in hormone levels.
- Excess weight.
- Chronic constipation, alcohol abuse, and consuming certain medications, like contraceptives.
Treatment for reducing and preventing spider veins in the face:
- Avoid excess starch, refined sugars, and processed products in your diet.
- Exercise in order to keep your blood circulation energetic and healthy. A lot of these types of problems are due to a sedentary lifestyle and to fragile and poorly nourished veins.
- One factor that could promote the appearance of spider veins in the face, and that also makes treatment difficult, is sun exposure. Some people believe that if they sunbathe their veins they won’t be as noticeable because their skin will be more tanned, but this only causes the problem to worsen, and you run the risk of burning or drying out or skin.
- Include garlic in your diet, which is an excellent complement for strengthening the veins and making them healthy once again, as well as promoting good circulation. Eat one clove of garlic in the morning before breakfast with one glass of warm water. Do not eat anything else for another half hour. If you don’t like garlic in the morning, you could eat it at night and by then the strong odor will have disappeared.
- Make a garlic paste with one tablespoon of plain yogurt and gently massage this cream on the veins in a circular motion. Rinse well with water afterward.
- Other dietary complements that are very good for preventing and helping reduce varicose veins are: spirulina seaweed, carrots, alfalfa, sprouts, cold pressed olive oil, vegetable milks rather than cow’s milk, which usually loads veins with fat over time.
- Do facial yoga, facial gymnastics, and/or facial acupuncture. These alternatives will help improve and stimulate circulation and will make your veins more elastic and stronger.
- Avoid bathing with very hot water when you shower or wash your face.
- Use sunscreen when you are going to be exposed to the sun for a long time.
- Include fruit and foods rich in antioxidants in your diet. They will help regenerate the tissues in your veins and your skin.
- Laser treatment can be a very effective and quick method for making veins disappear
- Sclerotherapy, microfoam, or photodynamic therapy are also spider vein treatments. These treatments do not cause any discomfort, and are done by injecting substances that fade the spider veins, with needles that do not cause pain (atraumatic). These treatments, however, use chemical substances that could produce secondary effects, like bruising, discoloration in the treated area, the formation of small clots in the treated veins, bedsores, localized infections, etc.
Good information on your blog, thanks.
Q - I have just had my second baby 8 weeks and am noticing more and more patches of spider veins on my legs. With my first I never got any:.
I am fairly healthly, took spirulina all through my pregnancy along with other superfood.. I am take ACV twice a day as I have read that it is good for spider veins. Do you have any tips what I can do to prevent any more from forming or removing the ones that I have already …
Thanks in advance x
Hi Kelly-Marie,
I find that often times spider veins can be alleviated, or even completely resolved, just by exercising! Exercise promotes active and healthy blood flow throughout the entire body. When your doctor clears you for exercise, I would recommend doing general cardio 5 times a week to get your blood and energy circulating, and focusing strengthening exercises on the areas affected by your spider veins.
I used to have a patch of spider veins on the inside of my knees, and when I started running and cycling, they all but disappeared!
Best of luck to you Kelly-Marie, and congratulations to you on your new family member!!