Apitherapy: Honey, Pollen, Propolis, Royal Jelly and more

Apitherapy: Honey, Pollen, Propolis, Royal Jelly, and more for your health

Apitherapy is the use of products derived from bees for therapeutic effects. The products that can be used include honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom.

Apitherapy: Honey, Pollen, Propolis, Royal Jelly, and more for your healthThere are a lot of ways to beneficially apply these products, from including them in a healthy diet, to treating illnesses like hay fever, PMS, colds, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and more.

Uses of honey

This is a pleasant tasting food that has been consumed since ancient times and is highly valued for its nutritional and medicinal properties. Honey is a bee product derived of nectar and other substances collected from plants.

Honey is rich in carbohydrates (because of its sugar content) and it also provides vitamins like Vitamin C and some B complex vitamins, as well as minerals and amino acids.

It can be used to sweeten foods and is considered healthier than refined sugar. It also improves digestion.

This food is often times used by athletes to provide energy, and it also good for kids or people with increased caloric needs.

In addition to its nutritional properties, honey is also used for skin health. This is why it is often times an ingredients in a lot of creams and mask recipes. Honey is excellent for improving wound healing and preventing infections.

Uses of pollen

The pollen collected from bees is just as valued as honey, and often times is used as a dietary supplement.

It is a restorative sources of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals. It’s properties can vary slightly according to the region and type of flowers that it was collected from, but it is undoubtedly a treasure.

Pollen can be consumed by itself, added to juices and smoothies, or to pastry recipes. It has a sweet, aromatic, intense and very characteristic flavor. It is considered to be an antioxidant and can be used to fight the effects of stress and some types of allergies, including asthma.

It is recommended to be consumed only in small doses for therapeutic effects, to be consumed occasionally. It is generally safe for most people, except for those that are allergic to its compounds.

Uses of propolis

Propolis is valued for its antibiotic and antiseptic properties. It is a substance produced by bees that contains wax, resins, pollen, and other elements.

It is traditionally used to clean wounds, accelerate the healing of herpes wounds (labial and genital) and even minor burns.

It is also used in industrial cosmetics for skin health and even for improving hair and fighting dandruff.

Propolis can also help improve the immune system and is considered to have a slightly antiviral effect. It can help in flu cases or when treating minor viral infections.

Uses of Royal Jelly

This is a jelly that bees intent solely to feed young larva and the Queen bee. It is very nutritive, rich in amino acids and sugars, and also provides vitamins and minerals.

Royal Jelly is often times used to revitalize. It is useful for treating fatigue, lack of appetite, hypotension, insomnia, and other conditions. It can also be used directly on the skin to improve health and the way skin looks. It can even be used to help reduce subtle expression lines with frequent application.

You need to be very careful with the dosage of Royal Jelly. It is recommendable only to be used under expert supervision. We recommend not consuming it for prolonged periods of time.

Uses of Apitoxin in apitherapy

Apitoxin is basically bee’s venom. While this can be an unpleasant experience for a lot of people, bee stings actually have a therapeutic effect on the body, so long as it is applied properly.

A growing number of individuals are using apitoxin to improve health. It has a lot of benefits for those that suffer from lupus, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. The benefits with this therapy are often times evident and accumulative, and although they don’t cure all of these conditions, they can help stop the progress of the disease, keeping symptoms under control.

There are an estimated 40 healing elements in bee venom, but one of the most outstanding of which is melittin, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritis properties. According to researchers, bee’s venom stimulates the body’s natural defenses and also has healing effects.

Apitoxin can also be applied to the skin in cream versions, which help calm pain and inflammation.

Secondary effects, not including the temporary pain, are generally non-existent although you first should do a test to make sure if the individual is allergic to bee stings or not. If so, this therapy is not advisable.

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