The word hydrocephalus is derived from the Greek words “hydro”, water, and “cephalus”, head. Hydrocephalus is a disorder characterized by the excessive accumulation of liquid in the brain. This liquid which in ancient times was known as water, is actually cerebrospinal fluid, a clear colored liquid that surrounds the brain and the spinal column.
When this liquid accumulates excessively it creates an abnormal dilation in brain spaces, called ventricles, which causes potentially harmful pressure in delicate brain tissue. The brain has four ventricles that are connected by thin channels through which cerebrospinal fluid flows. This fluid exists through cisterns, which are closed spaces in the brain and the spinal column, that are later absorbed by the blood stream.
Primary functions of cerebrospinal fluid:
- Acts as a water mattress, cushioning the brain and keeping brain tissue afloat.
- Transports nutrients to the brain and gathers and eliminates waste.
- It is a fluid that, while flowing through the cranium and the spinal chord, compensates for changes in intracranial (within the brain) blood volume.
It is vitally important to regulate the production and absorption of cerebrospinal liquid. In perfect conditions, this liquid is absorbed almost entirely into the blood stream as it circulates. Yet, there are certain circumstances that can either impede or disrupt cerebrospinal liquid production, or that could prevent normal flow. When this liquid’s balance is disturbed, this creates hydrocephalus.
Causes of hydrocephalus
- It could be congenital or acquired.
- When it is congenital it is present at birth, and could be caused by environmental factors during gestation or by genetic predisposition.
- When it is acquired it develops either at birth or at some point in one’s life. It could be caused by an injury or a disease (like a brain tumor, infection, etc.) that increases the ventricles and creates and obstruction.
- Energetic causes are excessive emotional control or lack of understanding, poor contact with oneself, resentment and/or blocked emotional growth. It feeds on old grudges. Needs.
Congenital hydrocephalus: tense or bulky head in newborns, sudden vomiting, cranial circumference is noticeably larger than normal, the child’s eyes are prominent (they can’t look up when their head is facing forward), constantly tired, possible convulsions, noticeable veins in their scalp, irritable behavior in the child, piercing and intense cry, does not eat properly.
Acquired hydrocephalus: constantly complains of strong headaches, nausea and vomiting, intestinal incontinence, possible convulsions, abrupt changes in character, restlessness and greater movements in the legs and arms.
Communicating and non-communicating Hydrocephalus:
Communicating hydrocephalus: This occurs when the flow of cerebral fluid becomes blocked in the subarachnoid spaces after leaving the ventricles. It is called communicating because the liquid can still flow between ventricles that stay open, even though re-absorption is altered by infections or hemorrhages.
Non-communicating hydrocephalus: Also known as obstructive hydrocephalus, this happens when cerebral fluid does not flow because it blocks one or more of the pathways connecting the ventricles.
Natural treatment
Cutting off or anesthetizing a condition does not resolve it. Illness should be treated from the deepest root to eradicate it, and in order to achieve a complete cure.
And like all complete cures, you must undoubtedly pay attention to your diet. Foods could be one of the most powerful medicines if you learn to use them for that purpose. You must eradicate refined sugars and flours from your diet, as well as any animal product (milk, meat, eggs, etc.). Your diet should be based on fresh vegetables, seeds, vegetable proteins, enough fresh water, fruits, etc.
The body is like a sponge that absorbs emotional states and everything you think and feel. If you want to cure the body, you must start by curing the heart. It is absolutely necessary that you start to treat the energetic causes that created the condition. Resentment and “living outside yourself” are two important causes that must be focused on. For this, we recommend reading to learn how to free anger and pain, or doing some introspection that helps find those things that have made you feel bad and that you are still holding on to inside. The book “You Can Heal Your Life” is a very good guide for starting the deep healing process.
Natural alternatives
Reflexology, acupuncture, and bioenergetics, as well as other energetic medicines will be a great help for your body in reestablishing balance. Bioenergetic massage as well as Chi-Nei-Tsang massage are especially recommendable because they help the body reestablish natural in organs and systems.
My dad is 73 yrs old and has fluid around the brain. The doctor did 2 Lumber puncher on him which give him some relief, and they said they cannot do more but the doctor is considering doing a shunt. Will you be able to say if the shunt will help hm.
Hi Premi Lall,
Thanks for writing to us about your experience - I was sorry to hear that your father is suffering from excessive brain fluid. As I am not a medical expert in this field, I cannot comment on the individual response that your father may or may not have to a shunt treatment. Every person is different and their reaction to treatment can vary depending on many different factors such as age, strength, diet, positive attitude on the day of the procedure and much more. I would encourage you to read up about the procedure to inform both yourself and your father of what it is and risks that you run before making a decision. Wishing you the very best and a full recovery for your Dad.
Hi my wife 2yrs old few days she have head ache body pain started di scan mri and tell us hydrocephalus small then tell endoscopic ventriculostomy surgery for her recommended what I do any natural way with out surgery
Hi Rahul,
Thank you for your comment - I was sorry to hear that your wife is suffering from water in the brain, however if the medics are suggesting an endoscopic ventriculostomy, it may be that this is the best option for her. I would definitely take into account what your doctor has suggested. In addition, you can follow some of the above advice, for example following a diet based on fresh vegetables, seeds, vegetable proteins, enough fresh water, fruits, etc. and perhaps considering some complimentary therapies such as reflexology, acupuncture, and bioenergetics, as well as other energetic medicines. Good luck!
Dear Stacy,
I’m glad to see your notes above.
My boy is 6 months old and he was born with Hydrocephalus. After MRI scan, the result has shown there were small amount of water exceed in brain, so the doctor not yet decide to do any treatment. But I want to know what exercise or food should I give hime to balance or decrease the amount of water?
I am waiting to hear from you.
All the best,
Hi Angellii,
Thanks for your comment! As your son is still so young, I suppose he will still just be drinking milk at the moment, right? So from that point of view, there isn’t a great deal you can do with his diet until he has begun eating solid foods. When he is older, it is important to make sure that your son is getting a healthy, balanced diet with lots of diet fresh vegetables, fruits, seeds, vegetable proteins and plenty of water. I would suggest trying to avoid refined sugars and flours from his diet, as well as many animal products too. I would await more advice from your doctor and make sure to keep up with medical appointments to make sure the amount of water is being regularly checked. Hope this helps!
Dear Emily,
Thank you so much since your last reply to me comment. Today my son have grown up a lot as he’s turning 9 month now. We visited doctors twice and the balance of water is still similar as before. For now, doctor doesn’t decide to do Shunt. I wish my son get away of this water. Could you recommend me what I could do?
All the best,
hi …… to month hydrocephlus baby ko kya de
thanks for the information. can you please tell some exercise to cure it
Hi there Akhilsh,
Thanks for the comment. I haven’t heard of any specific exercises that can be done to cure this condition, however if you’re trying to treat it I would recommend some of the natural alternatives listed above, specifically acupuncture and bioenergetics. Don’t hesitate to see a specialist if you feel your condition is not improving. Best of luck to you Akhilsh!