ADHD and Hyperactivity: the Root of the True Cure

ADHD refers to an increase in all those bodily movements that were once voluntary, but that have become involuntary, like tics. This is caused by damage to the movement regulator center (the extrapyramidal system or basal centers), causing an individual to lose voluntary control of bodily movements. Their bodies move with quick movements making the individual unable to control them.
This term is also often used to describe hyperactivity, which, in order to clarify, is not a disease, but rather a behavioral and emotional management problem. This generally appears in children that are very active and cannot control their reactions, nor their ability to concentrate. They present with the following behavior:
- They are unable to be still or to follow instructions.
- They do not focus on their work.
- They generally have poor academic achievement.
- They are occasionally rebellious.
- They are unable to be empathetic with their environment.
- They have problems relating to their surroundings, parents, siblings and/or friends.
- They are competitive.
What to do for ADHD or hyperactivity
Treating tics and hyperactivity could take two very separate paths. If treating tics, there is a problem with the nervous system which can be treated with diet and emotional work. When treating hyperactivity, this is more related to learning new methods of emotional management with children and teens. A strong emphasis should be placed on the fact that the parents exert a powerful influence in said healing.
With tics, you need to work with the individual on an emotional level. Damage to the nervous system could have been caused by excessive medication, drugs, poor management of anxiety or anguish, fear, controlled or poorly understood emotions like anger, etc. All of these indicate that tics have a deep cause. The individual feels incapable of controlling their “movements” in daily life, or they have hidden fears that slowly become interpreted by the body as feeling incapable, and unable to influence what affects you. Drugs could be a good resource for isolating oneself from the world, or for creating fleeting states of happiness, but as we all know, drugs creates a chemical in the brain that slowly destroys or deteriorates important functions.
In this case, you need to follow a reconstructive diet for the nervous system, drink fresh vegetable juices three times a day, including prickly pear or raw aloe, carrots, broccoli and parsley sprigs. Make sure they are well washed and raw. You should also drink warm water with lemon in the morning to help detoxify the body, and include omegas in the diet from chia seeds, extra-virgin olive oil, fish, etc.
If your child is hyperactive, you need to handle the situation delicately, and with great patience. You must avoid punishing, scolding, and aggressive behavior towards your child. This will only worsen the situation. You need to understand that hyperactive children are great messengers of reflection for parents and children. Some of these adults often times try to dominate things that they don’t want, or that they don’t lie, and if they don’t know how to handle this within themselves, they become desperate when they are unable to handle the child. You need to have discussions and agreements with the children. If the parent feels desperate and angry with their behavior, this will only make the situation worse. The child will become even more accentuated. You must first work with the parent’s anger and anxiety, without being permissive, but not too firm. Rather, use good understanding.
In both cases, both ADHD as well as hyperactivity, you must consider utilizing some sort of relaxation activity, like yoga, taichi, martial arts, etc. These individuals and children need some sort of activity that releases excessive energy and which helps them come into a little more contact with themselves. We also recommend therapies like acupressure, foot reflexology, and even psycho-bioenergetic massage, which not only relaxes individuals, but it is also a great therapy for helping manage fear, tension, anger, etc.
Practicing abdominal breathing
Practicing abdominal breathing is an excellent method for helping these individuals manage stress and other emotions. It is very effective for children, but you must remember to be patient with the child and to teach them with games. Hyperactive children learn well when you capture their attention with something that they truly like, and which attracts them (just like with most other people). This type of breathing will catch their attention immediately, and they will learn to relax. You need to teach them to inflate their bellies when they breathe, and to contract the abdomen when exhaling. Place your hand on their abdomen to help the child pay attention to the movement, and to relax.
Plants can also be a good help. Belladonna, passionflower and chamomile, etc., will help kids feel at peace. You should avoid strong medications, which over time, will damage kidneys, and do not work with the essential cause of the problem.