Thicker and Longer Eyelashes with these 5 Natural Remedies

Thicker and Longer Eyelashes with these 5 Natural Remedies

A captivating gaze always looks better when one’s eyelashes are thick and long. A lack of eyelashes could make you like tired and even weak.

Thicker and Longer EyelashesEyelashes can also fall out, especially when your diet doesn’t provide the required nutrients, or simply from rubbing your eyes frequently.

Natural solutions for thicker and longer eyelashes

There are several natural, homemade solutions that are designed to grow your lashes more easily, and that even make them look thicker and more attractive. The ingredients that are used are commonly found in the kitchen, and are perfect for makes eyelashes grow.

1. Castor oil

Castor oil is a rich source of vitamin E, which helps improve hair health, making it stronger. That’s why it is used on hair and eyelashes, to help prevent lashes from falling out as well as to promote their growth.

Use a Q-tip or a clean brush to apply it. Dip it in the oil and gently apply a thing layer, repeating twice.

Apply the oil at night before going to bed, and the following morning. Try to wash your face with warm water as you normally do.

2. Vaseline

This is an easy and inexpensive remedy. Vaseline has an emollient effect and also protects the eyes. It is also moisturizing, which is why it acts as a conditioner for dry lashes.

Use it with a brush or a clean Q-tip. Apply a thin layer of pure vaseline to your lashes, as if it were mascara, before going to bed. In the morning, wash your eyes with warm water. Always try to use a clean Q-tip or wash your brush well, to prevent any kind of infection.

3. Olive oil

Olive oil has an effect similar to that of castor oil. It is useful for nourishing your lashes from the root, and prevents them from falling out while strengthening them.

In order to use this oil, use a Q-tip or a clean brush and apply a layer of olive oil. Leave over night. In the morning, carefully wash your eyes with warm water and dry well with a clean towel.

4. Egg whites

If you’ve ever used eggs to give your hair shine and more health, it’s quite possible that you won’t be surprised by the fact that it also helps eyelashes grow. Egg whites contain proteins that stimulate eyelashes, making them look more voluminous and blacker.

To use, apply a bit of egg whites to your eyelashes, being careful not to come into contact with your eye. Allow to set for 10 minutes, then rinse. If you don’t have immediate results, you will progressively start to see a difference.

5. Green tea

During the last few years green tea has become very popular because of its antioxidant abilities. This is because it is rich in flavonoids. You can make use of its antioxidants to promote eyelash growth and repair.

In order to use these benefits, place a bag of green tea in half a cup of boiling water. Allow to steep, and wait until it cools to strain. Set aside in a container in the fridge.

Use a cotton ball to dip into the liquid, then apply to your lashes. Be careful that it does not come into contact with your eye. If you notice any irritation or discomfort, stop usage.

General recommendations for more abundant lashes

In order to care for your lashes, it is very important that you have good nutrition. A diet rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals is best. Stay hydrated so that your skin is moisturized from within. A healthy diet can nourish eyelashes and also promote growth. Remember that a healthy diet is also seen from the outside.

Do not use too many cosmetics: Continual and prolonged use of masks and mascara, as well as eyeliner, could affect eyelash health, causing them to fall out and grow weak. That’s why we recommend keeping your eyes free of these products for as long as possible. Whenever you remove makeup, make sure you use a makeup remover made for this purpose.

Avoid rubbing your eyes: If you’re the type of person that has the habit of unconsciously rubbing your eyes, this could be a cause of infection, or a sign of some sort of illness. It could also cause difficulty seeing, and if you rub your eyes a lot, see an ophthalmologist so they can give you an eye exam to rule out any other problems. This can also weaken your lashes, causing them to fall out from the root.

Don’t use fake eyelashes: Fake eyelashes can be useful for special occasions, but you should avoid using them. They can damage your natural lashes and affect eye health.

Take care of your lashes: If you notice some other symptoms, like dandruff on the eye, make sure to consult your physician so that you can know if there is an infection present that needs to be treated.

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