Yoga and its Powers of Conception
Published: 05/30/2015 - Updated: 06/04/2015
Author: MSc. Miriam Reyes
I was surprised to learn that there have been studies from 2011 that directly related practicing yoga with fertility and the ability to finally become pregnant.
This means that this discipline not only promote energetic balance in the body, releases stress and cultivates a healthy mind, but it can also help you conceive.
How it works
The first thesis bases its power of particular postures that have been confirmed through testimonies that the benefits are experienced not only by women, but by couples as well. What does that mean? Each yoga exercise centers on a specific area of the body and its system, and some of these promote balance, even in hormones and the glandular system. Others increase blood circulation, directing it to each of the organs.
With everything previously explained, if these postures are focused on the reproductive organs you can promote fertility and become pregnant.
Out with Stress
Another thesis refers to accumulated stress, either from work, family problems, money, or from the anxiety of being parents, a lot of couples block their system and become frustrated with this highly desirable outcome.
Thanks to yoga, which aims to balance, strengthen, relax and de-stress the body and mind with specific poses, you can alleviate muscular tension and stimulate blood flow to the pelvic region, and consequently, sexual glands.
What type of yoga?
With these two explanations, it is confirmed that yoga does make it possible for a couple to become parents. We can even recommend a few poses or postures that will help you become pregnant in less time.
In this sense, hot yoga is the best option, because it has a series of postures that can be done in the comfort of your home. Here we are going to emphasize the cobra, Paschimottanasana, and Sirshasana.
Beneficial Exercise
Remember that yoga is beneficial for health for several reasons and not only helps and promotes pregnancy. So go ahead and start practicing. If you have the opportunity to sign up for a class or take a workshop from your house.
Yoga is a physical and mental discipline that aims joining the individual’s spirit with the supreme being. It is a perfect exercise for people that want to improve their breathing, tone their muscles, achieve perfect concentration or even lose weight.
Bone Health
Practicing yoga is healthy for your bones. It strengthens them and can even prevent osteoporosis, thanks to the slow but firm movements performed during yoga.
Blood Pressure
If you suffer from hypertension, we recommend that you do this exercise. It will improve your circulation and you will feel better, relaxed, and peaceful.
Muscular Action
Yoga strengthens muscles, thereby preventing arthritis and lumbar pain.
You will be more flexible
Thanks to the movements that you will need to do, and the postures in yoga, you will become more flexible with practice. Of course, this doesn’t happen over night, but this process takes time.
Reduce bad cholesterol
Yoga can reduce bad cholesterol, also known as LDL cholesterol. The same is true with blood sugar. It also increases good cholesterol levels, which are needed, known as HDL.
Breathe better
You will have a better ability to breath, which will allow you to inhale more oxygen.
It Protects you
Yoga also improves the immune system, as well as mental health, through relaxation.
Become happy
By eliminating stress, yoga promotes an increase in serotonin in the body, which will make you feel happier.
Yoga at Home
If you can’t sign up for a workshop, you can practice yoga from the comfort of your home. All you’ll need to do is buy a few videos or follow classes online. There are also example tutorials that you can download on the web free of charge.
First you need to consider an appropriate space in your house that is spacious and well ventilated. You will also need a hard floor to do exercises on, you can’t do this on your bed, nor should you do this for longer than 45 minutes. You don’t want this to become an exhausting practice.
Ideal times
It’s best to start your session after getting up in the morning, at midday, half an hour before eating or an hour after dinner.
It is best if you prepare the environment with some sort of relaxing music.
Have a towel and water within reach, so that you can dry your sweat, and the water to keep your body hydrated. It is important that you are not distracted when you chose to practice yoga, and that you are alone. This means you need to put your cell phone aside or keep it turned off.
Stay balanced
Do your exercises and postures, keeping balance in mind. Try to stick to the video guide. Remember that doing so in the informality of your home means you won’t have an instructor or friends to help you. This can sometimes be an obstacle.
Revised by: Dra. Loredana Lunadei on 06/04/2024
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About the author
Mire Reyes has a mayor in nutrition and is a renowned therapist with years of experience in the care of overweight patients and nutritional problems. She offers help from her therapeutic approach that brings together the best of conventional therapies and alternative or complementary therapies. Linkedin