How to Eliminate Toxins from the Kidneys

How to Eliminate Toxins from the Kidneys

The kidneys are two organs located behind the abdomen, and their purpose is to eliminate toxins and residues from the blood stream, through the urine. This means that they “filter” the body.

How to Eliminate Toxins from the KidneysIn order for your kidneys to be healthy, you need to exercise and stay hydrated, as well as eat a healthy diet.

Dietary recommendations

Diet is very important for keeping healthy kidneys. We recommend consuming proteins in moderation because too much protein could be too much of a burden on the kidneys.

On the other hand, consuming sugars and fats should also be done in moderation, especially if you suffer from diabetes and/or have high cholesterol. Try to choose quality fats, like vegetable oils (olive oil, for example). Regarding sugars, avoid consuming them as much as possible.

We do not recommend carbonated beverages, nor consuming alcoholic drinks or caffeinated beverages.

Reduce your consumption of processed foods, or those that contain a lot of salt, like packaged and canned foods. And lastly, it’s a good idea to avoid consuming too much salt.

Plants for cleansing the kidneys

Medicinal plants can help “clean” the kidneys and improve their functioning. These are plants that are also anti-inflammatory for the urinary tract, as well as those that create a diuretic effect to promote the eliminate of waste products.

We need to point out that it is not a good idea to use these remedies or plants whenever you are suffering from a pathology or serious/chronic kidney disease. A lot of these plants increase the work load for these organs, making them a bad choice in these cases. They could worsen symptoms and damage the kidneys.

Chanca piedra

This plant is native to Peru and is used to improve kidney health. This plant has been used as a remedy for kidney stones. It is a natural diuretic and also helps control blood pressure. It also reduces glucose levels in the blood. This herb is useful for the kidneys and the bladder, and can also benefit the liver.


This herb is known for its culinary uses, but it is also a great remedy for the kidneys. It is possible one of the most commonly used herbs for this purpose. It is aromatic with diuretic properties, thereby reducing toxin accumulation in the kidneys and improving health in the urinary tract.

Celery seeds

Celery seeds, as well as the root, have been used as a natural diuretic for centuries. Diuretics are useful for detoxifying the kidneys because they promote urine productions. They are also considered beneficial for the kidneys because they help tone them.


This plant has been used by American Indians for health and care of the urinary tract. It can be used to cleanse the kidneys and bladder, and also to tone the urinary tract. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is recognized for its diuretic properties that help clean the kidneys and body.

Hydrangea root

This plant stands out when talking about cleansing the kidneys. It has cleansing properties that can be used for kidney and bladder health. It has also been used as a popular remedy against kidney stones. Consuming it is believed to help soften the slicing edges of kidney stones, and it also helps metabolize calcium. This is perfect for preventing kidney stones.

Horse tail

Although this herb is considered bad for farmers, this plant has a diuretic effect that promotes urine production. These properties are used to fight fluid retention. It is also rich in antioxidants that help protect the kidneys. Consuming it as a supplement or a tea is beneficial.


Although dandelion is generally viewed as a useless weed, it actually is rich in health benefits. The leaves and well as the root have diuretic properties, helping to eliminate excess fluids as well as residue. Dandelion also promotes good digestion, improving liver and kidney health.

Birch bark

The bark from birch trees has astringent properties and is traditionally used to calm inflammation in the urinary tract. It is rich in vitamin C, and consuming it as a decoction helps eliminate fluids. This is because of its diuretic effects, which help detoxify the body.

Marshmallow root

This plant helps calm irritation in the mucosas and can be useful for urinary tract health. It is also a diuretic, stimulating urination and thereby improving the elimination of waste products.

Uva Ursi

This plant is traditionally used to treat urinary tract infections. It is astringent and helps tone the urinary tract, and it also great for kidney health.

Red clover

This is a popular remedy against diarrhea, but it also stimulates metabolic activity. It is said to help clean impurities from the blood, stimulating the kidneys and strengthening the liver. It is excellent for cleansing the body. It is also recognized as being rich in isoflavones, for its estrogenic activity, which is also used to treat hot flashes and other symptoms associated with menopause.

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